Welcome to Iglobes

Iglobes is a CNRS - ENS/PSL University - University of Arizona research laboratory, created to establish a hub of collaborative interactions between the French scientific community and UA researchers, fostering innovative interdisciplinary research on global environmental challenges. For more information...


Bravo à Pascal Marichalar pour la publication de son livre "La montagne aux étoiles : Enquête sur les terres contestées de l'astronomie"

Ce livre se fonde sur une enquête menée depuis 2019, basée notamment sur l'étude des archives inédites des observatoires astronomiques du volcan Mauna Kea, à Hawai'i, ainsi que de la rencontre des opposant·es au projet de télescope géant TMT.

Il est susceptible d'intéresser les spécialistes d'histoire des sciences et d'anthropologie politique du Pacifique, les passionné·es d'astronomie et d'histoire environnementale, et les sociologues du travail. C'est également, je l'espère, une bonne histoire ("a good story"), selon le précepte de l'historien William Cronon.


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Exposition Natures Mortes - Exposition itinérante "Désert vert".

Du 10 mars au 10 avril, hall ENS 45 rue d’Ulm.Réalisée par Gaëlle Ronsin, dans le cadre d’un séjour à l’IRL iGlobes, avec le CERES  

Dans le désert du Sonora aux États-Unis, les cactus Saguaros, emblèmes de l’Arizona, meurent. La série photographique de Gaëlle Ronsin témoigne de la fin du cycle de vie de ces végétaux tout en questionnant les modes d’alertes et de sensibilités face à l’extinction de la nature. 


Plus d'information ici

Workshop MARCH 25th & 26th march - Human Auditory Ecology. Foundations of an interdisciplinary field

A two-day workshop to offer hearing scientists - i.e. psychoacousticians, auditory neuroscientists, bioacousticians/neuroethologists and audiologists - a unique opportunity to meet and discuss with soundscape ecologists, environmental acousticians and geographers. It will take place on Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 March 2024 on two sites: in Tucson Arizona (USA) at the Biosphere 2 research station, and at the Ecole normale supérieure-PSL in Paris. 


More info here 

Transatlantic Research Partnership

L'appel à candidatures 2024 du Transatlantic Research Partnership est désormais ouvert !  

Ce programme vise à encourager une recherche collaborative tournée vers l'avenir qui s'attaque aux enjeux actuels. Il offre des bourses de 20 000 dollars pour soutenir des projets de deux ans menés par deux chercheurs en début de carrière - l'un basé aux États-Unis, l'autre en France.  Ces fonds permettront de soutenir les mobilités transatlantiques des chercheurs et des doctorants, les activités de recherche collaborative telles que l'organisation de workshops ou de conférences, et la publication d'articles conjoints.  

Les projets peuvent couvrir ou combiner des thématiques en sciences humaines, sciences sociales et en STIM (Sciences, Technologies, Ingénierie et Mathématiques), et le sujet de recherche doit être lié à un ou plusieurs Objectifs de Développement Durable des Nations Unies.   


[Save the date] France Science Summit : meet french research excellence in Washington D.C., on november 6, 2023


This day is dedicated to promoting French research in the United States.

Three thematic areas: the environment, health, and emerging technologies. 

The Iglobes director, Regis Ferriere will be present!



The MOPGA 2024 call for applications is open until January 9, 2024. This scholarship program will make it possible to welcome in France at least 40 young international researchers wishing to carry out research on themes related to climate change and environmental issues.

At least 40 scholarships will be awarded to winning young researchers over a period of 12 months starting in September 2024.


                                                                                        Learn more


Sébastien Roux is now an associate member of the UMR Mondes Amériques, a UMR in HSS under the supervision of EHESS, the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and the University of Paris Nanterre. More specifically, he joined the Center for North American Studies, where he will develop his work in collaboration with historians and anthropologists specializing in the United States. The entire Iglobes team is delighted with the strengthening of exchanges and dialogue between our two units.

Fulbright: applications open for Fulbright France scholarships 2024-2025

Since September 1, 2023, Fulbright France has opened applications for scholarship programs for students, doctoral students, researchers, French language assistants and NGO managers who wish to go to the United States.


Jointly funded by the French and American governments as well as partners, the Franco-American Fulbright France Commission allows winners to carry out their projects (artistic, economic, academic, scientific, media) in the United States or in France.


The deadline for submitting applications differs depending on the scholarship programs and is generally around December 2024.

Learn more

Châteaubriand Fellowship Program - opens October 10, 2023

The Châteaubriand annual scholarship program will open on October 10th, 2023 and will run until January 19th, 2024.


The Chateaubriand Fellowship is offered by the French Embassy in the United States. It supports doctoral students from American institutions who wish to carry out part of their doctoral research in France for a period ranging from 4 to 8/9 months. It helps initiate or strengthen collaborations, partnerships and joint projects between French and American research teams.

A fellowship in Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS), offered by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy and supported by Campus France, can be carried out at the Iglobes laboratory.


Visit the Program website, check eligibility requirements and register from October 10th!

True Selves, Suspicious Lives. Public Deceits, Hopes of Restoration, and Existential Troubles in Misdocumented Pasts

Sébastien Y. Roux, Paul Macalli. True Selves, Suspicious Lives. Public Deceits, Hopes of Restoration, and Existential Troubles in Misdocumented Pasts. Critique of Anthropology, 2024. Article to be published soon, but author version is already available here.

How do individuals, after having discovered they were lied to about the conditions of their births and their childhoods, seek out their own identities and re/establish the "truths" about themselves? Based on two ethnographic studies conducted in sites where lives and kinships were disrupted by political violence, this article aims to examine the urge for narrative coherence in contexts defined by public deceit and betrayal. In Argentina, Paul Macalli lived with the nietos who, decades after the dictatorship, discovered they had been stolen and educated by those responsible for their parents' death. In Ethiopia, Sébastien Roux met with adopted children who were searching for their life "of before". In these two contexts, the interviewees explained how their lives had been shattered when they discovered the lies they had been told. Their testimony equally revealed how they felt an existential and urgent need to re-establish the "truth". Drawing on their experiences and their feelings, this article examines the link between two truths, truth regarding the past and truth about oneself, and explores the need to be certain of facts in the making of identities.


Resisting the future: Preparedness, degradation, and “inquietude” among survivalists in contemporary France

Sébastien Roux  and Cédric Lévêque

In France today, an increasing number of people consider themselves to be “survivalists.” Presuming an inevitable crisis, they are organizing themselves to acquire and develop the skills, techniques, and knowledge they believe are necessary to survive the potential dissipation of mainstream ways of life. Based on ethnographic data collected in the Southwest of France, this article aims at understanding the motivations surrounding “preparedness”—as well as the discourses it generates and the practices it engenders—by repositioning them within the political and social context in which they emerge. For the most part, French survivalists develop traditional anti-liberal discourses, values, and practices, wherein notions of disaster or collapse are used as vehicles to promote a conservative political agenda. However, for some, prepping may also be a way to confront a feeling of the degradation of their lives, transforming survivalism into a paradoxical way of re/affirming one’s place in the world.


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Sébastien Y. Roux (1) , Margaux Rolland , Larry Fisher

In the United States, hunting is practiced by nearly 12 million people, or about 4% of the population. However, the number of enthusiasts has been decreasing since the beginning of the 1980s, in a context marked by the growing popularity of “anti-hunting” discourse and by the politicization of the sport. How do hunters defend themselves against the emergence of an increasingly audible and structured anti-hunt movement? While they see their hobby under attack, how do they defend the preservation of their activity? Based on a study conducted in Arizona, one of the US states most renowned for the value and quality of its game, this article shows how hunting promoters paradoxically turn a contested practice into an opportunity to build, organize and disseminate a (counter)ethics serving political purposes.

studying pima county soundscapes

Visiting researchers Anne Sourdril and Luc Barbaro made the front page of the Green Valley News on their OHMI project SONATAS – Listening to the SOunds of NATure to understAnd environmental changeS. 

The multidisciplinary research OHMI project aims at grasping (i) how local communities and people perceive their landscapes and ecosystems in a context of strong mutations of societies and their environment; and (ii) how they think about adaptation to environmental changes through their immediate sound environments, or soundscapes. The project is located in Pima County which is confronted with multiple sociological and environmental changes, including climate warming, water scarcity and uncontrolled urbanization. Sonatas aims to understand through sounds experiences and perceptions how the environment is locally conceived by local communities and whether it is seen as changing or immuable. Our objective is to explore how different types of ecological knowledge coexist within those communities in the context of major mutations and how people could collaborate together to face those changes.

Climate change and impact on behavior

Credit: Anne-Lise Boyer
Credit: Anne-Lise Boyer

Financed by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) with the support of the ANR project led by Sabrina Teyssier, Boris Wieczorek’s doctoral thesis “Changing norms and disparity when confronted with climate change” is looking at how social norms can be used as a mechanism to promote cooperation between individuals in situations where personal and community interests are in conflict, with a specific focus on environments that are threatened by climate change.

Two research laboratories are involved in Boris’ project: Grenoble Applied Economics Laboratory (GAEL, France) and Interdisciplinary Global Environmental Studies (iGLOBES, University of Arizona). After researching behavior changes in controlled environments, the project is now concentrating on water issues in the Tucson region.

Energy transitions and reconfigurations of socio-ecosystems

Credit: N. Montes de Oca, 2022
Credit: N. Montes de Oca, 2022

The ENERGON research project, funded by the CNRS and INEE through the Labex DRIIHM, is an interdisciplinary and multi-site project, which relies on the network of Human-Environment Observatory (OHM), in place since 2007. Led by the OHM of the Provence Mining Basin, the project’s objective is to question the conditions of energy transitions in 6 different observatories and locations.

If climate change is a major element of global proportio with local repercussions, the resulting injunction on energy transition is done in different manners, depending on the territory. Studies on the local impact of energy transitions are mainly very limited and sectorial in nature. The challenge of this project, at the heart of the OHMs, is to go beyond this barrier, by intersecting social, technical and environmental dimensions specific to each socio-ecosystem. Learn more...


Political Ecology as an Addition: On Environmental Justifications for Childfreedom

Clarisse Veaux and Sebastien Y. Roux. Political Ecology as an Addition: On Environmental Justifications for Childfreedom. VertigO  La Revue Électronique en Sciences de l’Environnement. Article to be published soon, but author version is already available here.

The “ecological crisis” would revolutionize our reproductive behavior. Alerted by the non-sustainability of a supposed overpopulation or concerned about a future announced as apocalyptic, more and more individuals would choose to renounce procreation and would refrain from having children, out of ethical concern. Based on a recent study among a young generation of childfree individuals, we show how environmental concerns are indeed influencing some family arrangement choices. However, our interviews also demonstrate that the ecology, if present, is a secondary ethical argument that legitimizes - or even ennobles – a previous desire for a childfree life. By giving voice to the arguments of those individuals, notably women, who choose not to have children for ecological reasons, the article shows that their concern, less than a shared trend, is in fact inscribed in a singular context where the will not to procreate remains tainted by a powerful stigma, calling for justification and avoidance strategies.

'Locking in' desalination in the U.S.-Mexico borderlands: Path dependency, techno-optimism and climate adaptation

Iglobes fosters collaborations across globally innovative research universities with this new article written by Brian O'Neill, Arizona State University and Anne-Lise Boyer, post-doc on the OHM project HYDECO, CNRS.

Desalination (producing potable water from saline sources) has gained notoriety globally as climate change threatens water supplies. Strikingly, Arizona – a territory lacking coastal boundaries – has developed desalination proposals to augment water supplies, which imply leveraging relations with Mexico and/or expanding inland desalting. Read the article...